LTC Strike Price: When to Advise Your Client to Obtain a Long Term Care Policy
You’ve been diligently managing your client’s assets for years. Protecting those assets from future risk is all but in your job description. Your client’s assets are their long-term plan for their retirement, lifestyle, and legacy. Beyond market turns and economic forecasts, however, lies an even greater risk to their financial well-being: their health. It’s an […]
Wealth Planning and Permanent Life Insurance in a Talent Driven Economy
The last several years have seen a seismic shift in so many areas of life and business that serving your client’s rapidly evolving needs has meant keeping your head on a swivel. Just as the dust is settling on 2021 and the world collectively holds its breath for the eventual end of lockdowns, staff shortages, […]
Trust Owned Life Insurance: Asset or Liability
Trust-owned life insurance policies for individuals with considerable estates are set up with the best of intentions. The allure of protecting wealth from the Estate Tax and providing beneficiaries with a substantial death benefit is appealing to planners. Done correctly, trust-owned life insurance can be a perfect remedy to tax and privacy burdens associated with […]
Why WA State’s LTC decision should matter to you and your client?
The state of Washington passed a dramatic piece of legislation that impacts the long-term care insurance landscape of the state in a number of ways. While you may not have clients in Washington state, the potential domino effect of this legislation may end up on your doorstep.. So what are the pros, cons, and […]